“ Who’s that girl??”…
they asked as her picture flashed across their screens. “That’s one of the best servers I’ve ever met!” That’s the vision I see when I close my eyes. The last thought I want those who encounter me to have. Before I continue, let me introduce myself!
My name is Fia, but many call me Phe.
For years, I thought the only way I can be a resource to those in need was through my love of acting and entertaining. I thought once I get my big break, that’s when I can Help. It was only 3 years ago that I had the revelation it was going to be my hands that would fulfill that need. From working in property management, hospitality, cleaning houses, and taking care of my “god pups”, I realized that it was my empty hands and heart that would be the most helpful resource I could give. At that moment it hit me, “If you can learn to serve others, you can do anything ”
Here at Mann’s Helping Hands we start service at Home. If your home is taken care of, everything else falls into place and gives you the confidence to go into the world to start your day. So, I ask, What’s in your hands that you need help carrying? Whether it’s a pair of hands to clean up or take care of your pups…we are here to serve you.